My, the design for the new digs for the American Institute of Mathematics look posh – quite a change from the Palo Alto Fry’s building. Here are renderings from one side, another side, and a rendered flyover video. I will definitely have to wander over the first time Jordan goes to an event there after it’s been built.
This page, though, confuses me – the writeup mentions a “large building” and “octagonal building” with pictures of buildings that seem, while nice enough, much less dramatic. And, in the pictures, those buildings seem to actually exist, but I thought AIM was still running workshops at Fry’s? And the writeup doesn’t talk explicitly about the castle-style building, even though it shows pictures of it. (I suppose it’s possible that the large building could even be remodeled into the castle; it looks unlikely but not inconceivable.) So I don’t understand how many buildings are envisioned, when they’ll be built, and whether all of them really will be used by the institute. (As opposed to the other projects that Fry has at the site – maybe the castle will turn out to be a really big clubhouse for the golf course…)
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