The Vintage Game Club is returning from its holiday break; as its fourth game, we’ve chosen Beyond Good & Evil. This is the first game that we’ve chosen that I’ve actually played all the way through; I’m curious to see what the experience of replaying a game in company will be.
I’m also curious about the game for another reason: while I enjoyed the game, I wasn’t particularly blown away by it: it was a well-made Zelda clone, but didn’t particularly excite me beyond that. So I’d like to see where all the love for the game comes from: many people speak very highly of it, and I’m
hoping that, with them to guide me along, I’ll appreciate it more this time.
Please join in if you’re at all curious; I think this will be a good VGC game to start with, since it’s neither excessively long nor excessively frustrating. And even if I’m not yet a big fan of the game, it has an interesting enough story and setting. And it was published on all of the consoles of the previous generation, as well as on PC, so it should be widely available.
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