- What core gamers should know about social games.
- Ian Bogost’s GDC 2010 microtalk.
- Roger Travis’s latest teaching experiment.
- This is not a spiral.
- A cool platformer twist. (Via @SimonParkin.)
Jane McGonigal’s 2010 TED talk.
A useful counterpoint to the discussion that Jesse Schell’s talk led to.
- The FarmVille diaries. (Via @SimonParkin.)
- Functional programming, OO programming, constructors, partial application. (Via @KentBeck.)
- Ponyo bread. (Via @SimonParkin.)
- Infect yourself with hookworms to cure allergies and asthma!
- I’m sure I must have seen this proof that the area of the circle is πr2 before, but I didn’t remember it. (Via Ben Abraham.)
- Conway’s Life as a shoot-em-up. (Via @JoeOsborn.)
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