You are viewing an old revision of this post, from December 21, 2010 @ 21:38:51. See below for differences between this version and the current revision.

(And now, a temporary break from Bible commentary to our traditional fare of video game related navel gazing!)

So: Ben wrote this thing. Which I feel like responding to, and I can’t very well do that on his blog! Therefore:

  1. Yes, we absolutely should experiment more with rhetoric. Forget “we”: I should experiment more with rhetoric.
  2. Or rather, we should experiment more with form. But, while I would be happy if some of that formal experimentation took the form of rhetorical experimentation (i.e. using that form for persuasive purposes), I am completely unconvinced that improved persuasion should be a key goal for video game writers right now.
  3. In fact, stepping away from persuasion might be a better goal. Yes, an excess of concern with objectivity is a serious problem; to that end, embrace the subjective, present views upon the world without worrying about whether anybody is convinced by them, or indeed about whether they contain an argument either explicit or hidden.
  4. But: talks about the effects of changes in sniper rifle reload time are fabulous. Embrace details!
  5. The work that Kill Screen is doing is an excellent example of breaking out of our formal ruts, but that doesn’t mean that we should fetishize print. I like books more than your average person (in both readings of that sentence), but there’s so much experimentation that can be done within an online format, not to mention the possibilities that the iPad and video games themselves allow.
  6. Also, Kill Screen has a long way to go before their contribution matches that of Michael’s blog.
  7. Yes, the fact that video games are played on computers has had an effect; I suspect, however, that video game programmers are less influenced by computer science than most other programmers. And video game bloggers less still.
  8. C.f. Richard Bartle’s “Do you like beer? Why aren’t you doing a degree in brewing?” Though perhaps that quote goes against my argument; but his talk was awesome!
  9. (Incidentally, my relationship with computer science is a strained one.)
  10. My candidates for original sin are reviews (as practiced by large traditional sites) and (the various forms of) preview coverage.
  11. I should read Prince of Networks.
  12. Not a fan of Indie Gaming Bingo.
  13. I like the phrase “there is currently no commenting”.

Post Revisions:


There are no differences between the December 21, 2010 @ 21:38:51 revision and the current revision. (Maybe only post meta information was changed.)