I’m in the habit of, when going on a plane trip, picking up a copy of Games magazine. (If I can find a copy; it doesn’t get very good distribution, and in particular airport stores almost never have it.)

Which I just did; it turns out that the magazine has changed recently. They used to have several articles and maybe 15-20 pages of puzzles; this issue has fewer articles, I think, but 40 pages of puzzles. Good ones, too; there are several new puzzle variants that I’ve never seen and that I like. Nurikabe seem like a nice idea, for example. I think I’ll subscribe to the magazine, given that my brain seems to be in a puzzle-solving mood these days.

Not that I actually am on a trip. I couldn’t possibly need a flu shot, since I’ve already gotten the flu once this year, right? Oops. I could do without this, though I could certainly think of worse ways to use up my stock of bad luck…

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