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Archives for March, 2006

plum blossoms

One of the most pleasant surprises about this townhouse was that we discovered, a few months after moving in, that the trees in between the houses are flowering plums. It’s really beatiful for a week or so every year; like having our own cherry blossom festival. I was hoping to share some pictures with my […]

living with the animal kingdom

When I got home this evening, I noticed that one of the dogs had pooped on the carpet. Which sometimes happens; they’re wonderful in many, many ways, but housebreaking is not their forte. Anyways, I took them out, and the phone was ringing as I got back in, so I ran to answer it. Once […]

i want a customer

A few months ago, I finally started appreciating the Customer role in XP: it made a real difference to us when we stopped doing our iteration planning ourselves (with advice from others, to be sure), and started having somebody else pick the stories for each release. (We still plan the work in our weekly iterations […]

turn me into a mac expert!

I’ve ordered the new computers and the network equipment. The Ultra 20 and the network stuff will arrive in a week or so; the Mac will take more like four weeks. Which is just as well – it will give me time to transition my home directory and other assorted data away from this computer […]