The two titles I was considering for this post are both military analogies. Sigh. So I will go with the title from the section in the book.
From How Children Learn, pp. 36–37:
The other day we went to Carlsbad Caverns, a strange and beautiful place. To get there, we rode many hours in the car. On the way, we played games. The radio was on, and with Lisa [2 years old – DBC] watching, I began to clap my hands in time to the music. She did the same. Then I began to clap one palm against the other fist. She watched a while, then made both her hands into fists, clapped together a bit, looked again, saw this wasn’t right, and soon did what I was doing. From this grew a whole series of games. I clapped hand against head; so did she. I clapped hand against stomach; so did she. I made my games more complicated. I clapped head with one hand and stomach with another; or clapped head with one hand while holding that elbow with the other, and so on. It was most interesting to see how she copied what I was doing. Each time she began by doing something fairly quickly. As she did it, she checked what she was doing against what I was doing. Then she made a change in what she was doing, checked again, and so went on until she was satisfied that what we were both doing was the same. Watching her do this, I was struck by two things. First, she did not feel that she had to get everyting right before she started to do anything. She was willing—no, more than willing, eager—to begin by doing something, and then think about fixing it up. Secondly, she was not satisfied with incorrect imitations, but kept on looking and comparing until she was satisfied that she was correct—which she almost always was.
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“Ape see, ape do”?
We are apes, you know, though not monkeys. Jared Diamond called us the third chimpanzee, and rightly: though common chimps and bonobos are the most closely related of living ape species, humans fit in next, and only then gorillas and finally orangutans — indeed, there is more genetic disparity between the orangutans of Borneo and the very similar-looking species on Sumatra than there is in the whole rest of the hominids put together.
10/4/2006 @ 9:00 am