As regular readers are aware, I’m a big fan of JapanesePod101. On the off chance that any of my readers are thinking about learning a bit of Japanese, I wanted to let you know that they’ve just started new seasons of most or all their shows: in particular, they published the first episode of a new Newbie season (starting from scratch) yesterday.

Incidentally, don’t be confused by the naming, the Beginner series isn’t quite for raw beginners, that’s what Newbie is. (Well, the first Beginner season was. But the later ones weren’t.) Also, the buttons at the top of the web page don’t include the later seasons of the show: if you want to browse by category, use the ones on the right side. The free feed only contains the last week of lessons, but older lessons are all available on the web page. (Or via the feed for the paid subscriptions; if you do commit to learning the language, I recommend signing up for one of the subscriptions, I’ve found the reading practice from the PDFs to be worth the Basic subscription price alone.)

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