I normally stay away from online video game play, both because of a lack of time and because of the bad things I’ve heard about strangers’ behavior on Xbox Live. For the last six months, though, I’ve been meeting up every Thursday thursday to play games with people from the Video Games and Human Values Initiative, and I’ve been having a great time!
I encourage any of my blog readers to join us. We meet every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Pacific / 9:30 p.m. Eastern time; send a friends request to “a VGHVI” to join in. We try to balance playing a mixture of games (and game styles) with returning to favorites fairly frequently; you can see a list of games we’ve played at the bottom of this VGHVI wiki page, but we’ve played Burnout Paradise and Left 4 Dead several times; Castle Crashers, Rock Band 2, and Carcasonne a couple of times each (with another round of Rock Band 2 on tap next); and a couple other games one time each; we’re open to further suggestions as well.
So far we’ve largely been doing this on Xbox Live, though apparently a Lord of the Rings Online group just started up as well. (I think they’re on Sundays, but I’m not sure.) Please join us if you’re looking for fun games and pleasant company!
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