- Baseball (28)
- Books (229)
- Computers (253)
- Food (48)
- Games (657)
- General (498)
- GTD (27)
- Japanese (39)
- Lean / Agile (171)
- Managing (76)
- Movies (47)
- Music (143)
- Programming (251)
- School (42)
- Tai Chi (21)
January 2025
December 2024
November 2024
October 2024
September 2024
August 2024
July 2024
June 2024
May 2024
April 2024
February 2024
January 2024
December 2023
- frostpunk
- the legend of zelda: tears of the kingdom
- two things i like about capitalism
- breaking a bone in my hand
November 2023
October 2023
September 2023
August 2023
July 2023
May 2023
April 2023
March 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
November 2022
October 2022
September 2022
August 2022
July 2022
May 2022
April 2022
March 2022
- psychonauts 2
- update on working part time
- the forgotten city
- don’t let computers tell you what to do
February 2022
January 2022
December 2021
November 2021
October 2021
September 2021
August 2021
July 2021
June 2021
May 2021
April 2021
March 2021
February 2021
January 2021
December 2020
November 2020
October 2020
September 2020
August 2020
June 2020
May 2020
April 2020
March 2020
February 2020
January 2020
December 2019
November 2019
October 2019
September 2019
August 2019
July 2019
June 2019
May 2019
April 2019
March 2019
February 2019
January 2019
December 2018
- alphabear 2
- ipad desires
- forza horizon 4
- notes on silk-reeling exercises
- apple watch first impressions
November 2018
October 2018
September 2018
August 2018
July 2018
June 2018
May 2018
April 2018
March 2018
February 2018
January 2018
December 2017
- console upgrade cycles
- nuclear war
- nier: automata
- best practices
- layton’s mystery journey and whackamon
- post-systematic flexibility
- paperclips
November 2017
October 2017
September 2017
August 2017
July 2017
June 2017
May 2017
- experimenting with glasses
- portal and portal 2
- remastering rocksmith
- batch method objects and reducing duplication
- where are the protests?
March 2017
February 2017
January 2017
December 2016
November 2016
October 2016
- star realms
- after the election
- responsibly testing in production
- fire emblem awakening
- rise of the tomb raider
September 2016
August 2016
July 2016
June 2016
May 2016
April 2016
March 2016
January 2016
December 2015
November 2015
- returning to okami
- spl-t
- read my linkblog!
- clapping music
- more on small business models
- attention, joy, connection, and life
October 2015
September 2015
- unpleasant web sites
- ipad indecision
- infinite loop
- ascension: dawn of champions
- returning to blast corps
- thinking about getting better at netrunner
- games, prices, value, and uncertainty
August 2015
- dragon age inquisition: the descent
- one more rocksmith 2017 request
- office chairs and grounding
- tengami
- layton vs wright
- how to develop software
July 2015
June 2015
May 2015
April 2015
- shoes
- blogging about my netrunner decks
- apple os software quality
- amazon and pull systems
- rocksmith audio
- returning to ico
March 2015
February 2015
- hoplite
- unsolicited advice
- dragon age inqusition: stepping back
- dragon age inquisition: miscellaneous thoughts
- framed
January 2015
December 2014
November 2014
October 2014
- is it time to upgrade consoles?
- interviews and whiteboard coding
- trying to make sense of the apple watch
- desert golfing
- the xp practices
September 2014
- phoenix wright 5
- when to move on
- my first netrunner tournament
- the walking dead, season two
- insect stings
- bachsmith
August 2014
- current status
- false equivalence and maintenance of privilege
- apple tv business model
- ascension: rise of vigil
- monument valley
- on “on scorched earth”
July 2014
June 2014
May 2014
- medium: setting up a build system
- medium: setting things up
- men, women, programming, culture
- netrunner implementation experiments
- system shock 2
- blank screen starting octgn in wine
- whales
April 2014
March 2014
February 2014
January 2014
- don’t take it personally, babe, it just ain’t your story
- this week in v.c. biases
- that paul graham interview
- jet set radio
- programming as meditative practice
- more netrunner
December 2013
- rocksmith 2014 second impressions
- possessiveness and cliques
- social norms and market norms at work
- netrunner, systems thinking, rule sets, cynicism
- at&t update
- gone home
- my t-mobile experience
November 2013
October 2013
- rocksmith 2014 first impressions
- the moirin trilogy
- benefit zero of retrospectives
- plants vs. zombies 2
- rocksmith
September 2013
August 2013
July 2013
- depression quest
- playing pc games on the tv
- earning, spending, and saving
- dead blogs
- proteus
- slack and overwork
June 2013
May 2013
- trauma
- versu
- mirror’s edge for ipad
- speaking japanese
- starbloom
- dominique pamplemousse
- waking mars
- the dreamhold
April 2013
March 2013
- gdc 2013: friday
- gdc 2013: thursday
- gdc 2013: wednesday
- gdc 2013 schedule
- long-lived blogs
- returning to journey
- mark of the ninja
- pro bending
- rock band 3
February 2013
- japanese lessons
- vintage game club: system shock 2
- cat games: david’s game
- taking stock of time
- where should we go in japan?
- papo & yo
January 2013
- inboxes at work
- spaceteam
- entering the post-pc world
- upgraded memory to rails 3.1/3.2
- help send kris ligman to gdc!
- games and guitar learning
- introduction to bhaloidam
- rethinking gender performance
December 2012
- the walking dead
- christmas
- mushishi
- read my linkblog!
- silicon valley vc startup culture
- chuck clanton
- games and shared spaces
- letterpress
- first, break all the rules speaks truth
- the voice
- not the crepes i’m looking for
- forms of social organization
November 2012
- upgraded to ubuntu 12.10
- super hexagon
- decision processes
- downcast
- dragon age 2
- agile, anarchy, and teams
- super hexagon times
October 2012
September 2012
August 2012
July 2012
June 2012
May 2012
April 2012
March 2012
- the go consultants
- plans of record
- what does “agile” mean to me?
- gdc 2012: friday
- gdc 2012: brian sharp, concrete practices to be a better leader: framing & intention
- gdc 2012: thursday
- gdc 2012: wednesday
- gdc 2012: margaret robertson, the gamification of death
- sumo logic has launched!
February 2012
- gdc 2012 schedule
- moving away from google
- bug trackers are anti-agile (though less anti-gtd)
- motivators, space, and shu-ha-ri
- fundamental differences, revisited
January 2012
- help send mattie to gdc!
- whipping girl
- teaching games
- spacechem
- polishing fragments
- help me buy a tv!
- fundamental differences with the blogs of the round table
- my year of contingency and narrative
- lifelode, among others
- i would seem to be excessively sedated
December 2011
- the mad man
- zero patience
- i love reifying relationships
- time to read
- rock band is rewiring my brain
- an apple-focused personal history of computing
- alcibiades, r.i.p.
November 2011
October 2011
- constructing families
- bastion
- ni no kuni ds unboxing
- please support bhaloidam
- getting things done introductory talk
- the psychosexuality of rock band vocals
- national coming out day
- the tactile experience of rock band
September 2011
- which of my blog posts do you remember?
- sword and sworcery
- rock band driven development
- catherine
- rearranging mental blocks
- runamoc shoes
- puzzle quest 2
- my gay avatars
- alcibiades the aged
- experience points podcast appearance
- bye-bye, breakfast
August 2011
- apple, google, and hp
- ghost trick
- spider: bryce manor hd
- ssl and trust agility
- minecraft
- with four part harmony and feeling
July 2011
- notes on books
- testing updates via unobtrusive javascript
- being on call
- upgrading memory to rails 3.0
- out of control
June 2011
- empires & allies
- finished pro guitar medium songs
- getting (lots of) things done
- podcast appearances
- braces, revisited
May 2011
April 2011
- task control gtd
- facebook game roundup, april 25, 2011
- getting my next action list under control
- planetfall
- seeking windows advice
- burnout revenge and risk management
- controls and the illusion of multitasking
- focused practice in tiny wings
- tiny wings
- correction re “employees as commodities”
- text adventuring on the ipad
- come work for sumo logic!
- alexandrian minecraft
- employees as commodities
- looking for earbud recommendations
- social network publishing
March 2011
- dragon age: origins – awakening
- java, maven, and include files
- finished my pro keys run
- focused practice redux
- composing, decomposing, and recomposing methods
- loom
- starting rock band 3 pro guitar
- blog comments and forms of responses
- standpoints, lists, and selection
- building characters
- gdc 2011: friday
- gdc 2011: thursday
- gdc 2011: brenda brathwaite, the prototyping of tragedy
- gdc 2011: eric chahi
- gdc 2011: wednesday
- gdc 2011: rock band 3 pro guitar
- gdc 2011: clint hocking on dynamics
- gdc 2011: tuesday
February 2011
- gdc 2011: monday
- underscores and precedence in scala
- my gdc 2011 schedule
- game blogging and description
- a few early scala notes
- job search and narrative
- game dev story
- iphone noby noby boy
- dragon age: origins
- joining sumo logic
January 2011
- created a gaming scenes blog
- the virtues of backups
- osmos
- bohemian rhapsody as video game
- gospel morality: looking back at matthew
- gospel morality: matthew 27-28
- gospel morality: matthew 26
- gospel morality: matthew 24-25
- gospel morality: matthew 21-23
December 2010
- gospel morality: matthew 20
- gospel morality: matthew 18-19
- gospel morality: matthew 16-17
- gospel morality: matthew 15
- gospel morality: matthew 13-14
- professor layton and the unwound future
- gospel morality: matthew 12
- gospel morality: matthew 10-11
- gospel morality: matthew 8-9
- gospel morality: matthew 7
- gospel morality: matthew 6
- ben’s rhetorical questions
- gospel morality: matthew 5
- gospel morality: matthew 3-4
- gospel morality: matthew 2
- gospel morality: matthew 1
- gospel morality: introduction
November 2010
- i am getting old
- looking back at my first year at playdom
- piczle lines
- dragon age pacing
- focused practice in games
October 2010
- the rational optimist
- rock band 3 first impressions
- making a mockery
- agile open california 2010, day 2
- agile open california 2010, day 1
- miranda pasta
- super mario 65
September 2010
- super mario galaxy 2
- cow clicker viral participation
- the beatles: rock band
- agile and social game development
- puzzle agent hd
August 2010
- picross 3d
- ipad games roundup
- learning from social games
- the “i wish” gameplay segment
- showing revision history
- killer 7, five years later
- the vghvi main page has moved
- operas, musicals, and video games
- why the linkblog?
July 2010
- joined the mickey mouse club
- lessons from reeder
- started a link blog
- server excitement
- more ipad experiences
- edgeworth
June 2010
- random links: june 30, 2010
- added copyright license
- ipad 1, laptop 0
- ipad as rss reader
- rock band past, present, and future
- gls 2010: friday
- gls 2010: thursday
- gls 2010: wednesday
- 100 years of the progressive
- psychonauts
- tdd and javascript
- random links: june 2, 2010
- 1000 posts
May 2010
- javascript and css
- experience points podcast appearance
- mysims agents
- another world
- random links: may 10, 2010
- habitable blog posts
April 2010
- electronic book formats
- vintage game club reboot, continued
- random links: april 25, 2010
- christopher alexander’s fort mason bench
- galcon
- plants vs. zombies
- vintage game club, iteration two
- caching, take two
- turned on caching for the blog
- habitable software
- ghibli music for piano
- random links: april 11, 2010
- madeline l’engle
- social sandbox games
- jesse schell, games, and extrinsic motivation
March 2010
- random links: march 25, 2010
- gdc 2010: final thoughts
- gdc 2010: saturday non-mass-effect-2 talks
- gdc 2010: saturday mass effect 2 talks
- gdc 2010: the evolution of habbo hotel’s virtual economy
- gdc 2010: (most of) friday
- gdc 2010: thursday
- gdc 2010: wednesday
- gdc 2010: tuesday
- gdc 2010 schedule
- mass effect 2
- the joy of tech trees
- conflict of interest disclaimer
February 2010
- slitherlink
- small worlds
- short games and spoilers
- random links: february 16, 2010
- tax software recommendations?
- yakuza 2
- with the light
- juvenile and adolescent games
January 2010
- random links: january 25, 2010
- combat fatigue
- vintage game club updates
- short games
- games that have stuck
December 2009
- noby noby boy
- random links: december 29, 2009
- bioshock
- tiki farm constraints
- airfare get!
- push polling
- rock band 2
- small steps in haskell
- random links: december 6, 2009
- professor layton and the diabolical box
November 2009
- burnout paradise
- update on flying ben to gdc
- random links: november 24, 2009
- help fly ben to gdc!
- rss overload
- aspects of time
- things
- pomodori
- random links: november 8, 2009
- thief
- we’re hiring
October 2009
- revisiting majora’s mask
- monads, anyone?
- random links: october 27, 2009
- the beatles, rock band, and genre
- random links: october 7, 2009
September 2009
- beatles microphone recommendations?
- random links: september 21, 2009
- big surf island
- art style: boxlife
- experts and expertise
- multiuser memorization
- this is why you write the failing test first
- random links: september 6, 2009
- art style: pictobits
- rhythm heaven
- change of scene
August 2009
- joined the twentieth century
- random links: august 30, 2009
- puzzle quest: galactrix
- saving, ethics, and the slog
July 2009
- twenty years of beard
- galison, strands of practice, and trading zones
- sid meier’s alpha centauri
- explaining my choices
- vgc game 7: majora’s mask
- the perils of particle physics
June 2009
- a taxonomy of boundary objects
- boundary objects and solid principles
- random links: june 21, 2009
- margaret robertson on (no) story
- change of focus
May 2009
- come play games with us!
- update on learning japanese and memorization
- converted blog to utf-8
- random links: may 26, 2009
- routinization, inscription, and facts
- christopher alexander on our birthright
- flower
April 2009
- chrono trigger
- idea factory workshop at agile 2009
- jobs and roles
- inbox zero and technical debt
- back to cable
- the alchemy
- random links: april 12, 2009
- update on working standing up
- apollo justice
- gdc gamer’s confab
March 2009
- gdc 2009: friday bioware talk
- gdc 2009: friday
- gdc 2009: thursday
- gdc 2009: wednesday
- my gdc schedule
- vgc game 5: chrono trigger
- bye bye, cable tv
- random links: march 16, 2009
- tweetie rocks, and other ipod touch thoughts
- boom blox
- beyond good and evil
- iphone game sites?
- game writing and passion
- agile politics of nature
- ipod touch twitter client recommendations?
February 2009
January 2009
- spore
- random links: january 25, 2009
- guitar, bass, drums
- barbarians and civilization
- yagni, latour, and time
- rock band family
- loc lac
- vgc game 4: beyond good and evil
- my wii library
- communal discussion of video games
- themes
- achievement unlocked
December 2008
- working standing up
- animal crossing: city folk
- gamer’s confab
- letter order in words
- oddworld: abe’s oddysee
- what game should I play next?
- art style: orbient
- console death knell
- no more heroes
November 2008
- child’s play
- i love rock band 2
- random links: november 30, 2008
- bittersweet deception cake
- finished rock band vocals; started rock band 2
- richard gabriel on christopher alexander
- agile processes as living structures
- refactoring writ large
- don gray and personality types
- weinberg and the clinic model
- esther derby on organizational change
- weinberg on the self-esteem toolkit
- low-pressure connections
- satir change model simulation
- introverts and extroverts
- the j/p split
- choosing what to do
October 2008
- google out-of-print book deal
- living code
- liesl’s grandmother’s brownies
- rock band vocals
- random links: october 19, 2008
- deus ex: final thoughts
- vgc: deciding on game 3
- shadow of the colossus as living structure
- christopher alexander on xp
- creating life
- agile open california 2008
- rock band drums
- brain age 2
- the rock band guitar
- random links: october 2, 2008
September 2008
- delany on violence in narratives
- new blog theme
- low-carb diets
- and now we are going to have a party
- rock band, learning about music, and failure
- deus ex, week two
- math books
- deus ex, one week in
- random links: september 1, 2008
- subarashiki kono sekai
August 2008
- i am too busy
- weekly reviews
- help us decide what game to play next
- grim fandango, year 4 and final thoughts
- grim fandango, year 3
- n’gai, publicity, older games
- memory project is deployed
- garbage disposal installed
- grim fandango, year 2
July 2008
- what is a narrative game?
- grim fandango, year 1
- the social aspect of puzzle games
- puzzles in narrative games
- recent consumer experiences
- adventure games and me
- whipped chocolate ganache
- virtualbox and grim fandango
- bad week for computers
- new japanesepod101 season
- problems with grim fandango
- introducing the vintage game club
- japanese input under linux
- wii smash brothers
June 2008
- curse you, brainy gamer!
- rock band account management annoyances
- began our world tour
- two-thirds of the way through the textbook
- gordan frohman
- alive games
- malstrom’s nintendo strategy articles
- half-life 2
- excessive whining narrowly avoided
- nlp, motivation, success
- go tournament as 1 dan; japantown
- memory and references
- rock band has arrived
- removing vpath uses from makefiles
- the gold mine
- video game communities
- memory
- looking for phone company recommendations
- pimps and ferrets
- good calories, bad calories
- random links: june 4, 2008
- phoenix wright 3
- erik ray, r.i.p.
May 2008
- piercey toyota in milpitas can go fuck themselves
- gtd and standardized work
- 2007 and 2008 pictures
- the toyota way and nemawashi
- paris 2008
- pruning my library
- n+
- types of actions
- wozniak the memorious
April 2008
- saved items queue: april 30, 2008
- sticking with twitter
- someday/maybe
- just signed up for twitter
- professor layton and the curious village
- go buy okami
- caught up on japanesepod101
- comment management in wp 2.5
March 2008
- deming on examples
- the dip
- floor repairs
- upgraded to wordpress 2.5
- i guess they did something else after all
- random links: march 23, 2008
- eternal sonata
- version control systems and filesystems
- macbook pro latch repair
- bay area go players association
- shore and warden on refactoring
- inappropriate covers
- 217 down, 1728 to go
- refactoring and proofs
- primes and fractions
February 2008
- resume formats
- thoughts on testing
- front row
- i feel left out
- almost caught up!
- one-on-ones
- over a hump
- random links: february 18, 2007
- fight fiercely, harvard
- tcl uplevel
- hans rosling’s economic animations
- lessig on obama
- xanh’s new digs
- more love hina fans
- gtd update
- zack and wiki
- salty chocolate
- portal
- stupid viz
- time machine
- living in the cloud
- cards in my pocket
- mass effect
January 2008
- saved items queue: january 27, 2008
- random links: january 26, 2007
- eternal sonata: first impressions
- stupid gmail
- stylish action
- i’m making a note here: huge success
- a third of a way through the textbook
- hiring again
- the legend of zelda: phantom hourglass
- mini-reviews: beautiful katamari, hexic hd, gradius iii
- xbox 360
- get smart
December 2007
- random links: december 31, 2007
- ken robinson on schools and creativity
- super mario galaxy
- slow driving experiments
- picross ds
- reprinting (three-quarters of) zot!
- the evolution of platformers
- culinary note
- metroid prime 3: corruption
- updating web pages dynamically
- first german lesson
- holidays
- i am dense
- waiting until the last responsible moment
- maybe i should become a basketball fan?
- careful with your layouts
- upgraded to leopard
- low energy for japanese
- stupid cliffhangers
November 2007
- creation and benefits of implementation patterns
- more studio ghibli movies
- mistakes, measurements
- random thoughts: november 11, 2007
- lessig’s ted talk
- go buy zack and wiki
- stylesheet tweaks
- upgrade fun
- slow progress through saved items
- random links: november 5, 2007
- brain buster puzzle pak
- earthquake
October 2007
- finished converting dbcdb to ruby
- agile open california: the sessions
- netapp countersuit
- agile open california: the mechanics
- magic flute
- go rockies
- cd baby now selling mp3s
- micah owings
- life-long learners my ass
- random links: october 6, 2007
- steve yegge is two for two
- restful music stores
September 2007
- throw everything at the language and see what sticks
- amazon mp3s
- mad at apple
- game pictures
- a pox on both their houses
- two music sequencer toys
- unexpected benefits of tagging
August 2007
- lean math departments?
- lean dentist
- random links: august 26, 2007
- phoenix wright 2
- that’s creepy
- etrian odyssey
- post length
- game development
- dealing with annoying drivers
- ide assumptions
- clueless drivers
- detailing carpets
- learning japanese: a month and a half in
- i guess that’s why they’re there
- joshua bell in a subway station
- more shuffle, please
- mechanical assistance
- car models
- belches
July 2007
- boston trip notes
- random links: july 28, 2007
- xml, html output
- generating html output
- jason kendall
- ipod, car, shuffle
- queues, tags, blog posts
- random links: july 1, 2007
June 2007
- array.join
- switched over to ruby version of the cli tool
- super paper mario
- learning japanese: initial hiccups
- weinberg on incremental construction
- welcome, jordan!
- go refactoring!
- parenthesized_list revisited
- more groovelily rhymes
- japanesepod101
- is every single one broken, or what?
- console buying thoughts
- ruby talking to mysql
- maintaining a steady state of books
- finished book queue; rorty
- pasta procope
- sun street cred
- good fsck!
- isolated podcast episodes
- bad fsck!
- punch-out
- more memory
- good pitching
- this american life; iraq
- puzzle quest
- i love ruby
May 2007
- that was unpleasant
- i don’t completely suck
- i am teh suck
- feisty fawn
- wii play
- weinberg quotes
- rejection in person; printf debugging
- misplaced hiring confidence
- eternal sonata
- finished backing up cds
- grand theft auto iii
- the recipient can arse it
- groovelily; regret
- warriors-mavs, games 5 and 6
April 2007
- warriors-mavs, game 4, fourth quarter
- probability
- streamstar launch
- warriors-mavs, game 4, third quarter
- warriors-mavs, game 4, first half
- warriors
- streamstar details
- we’ve launched!
- lego star wars ii
- random links: april 21, 2007
- wii sports
- at rest with attributes
- elebits
- random links: april 8, 2007
- objection!
- go, akismet!
- xbox elite
- go emi!
- earthsea thoughts from 2007
March 2007
- schiphol queues
- braces
- ear-reddening
- whale songs
- mike cohn on estimating and planning
- too perky for words
- elite beat agents
- finished backing up b’s
- mental arithmetic
- dad had enough gall to be divided into three parts
- earthsea thoughts from 2002
- one down, four to go
- divine intervention
- random links: march 23, 2007
- random flash games: march 20, 2007
- growing backlog
- server woes
- big brain academy
- grow cube
- turned on akismet
- back from vacation
February 2007
- codification of experience
- don’t broadcast information
- and they will be difficult to get along with
- good jobs, bad jobs
- random links: february 11, 2007
- video of cells at work
- reading left to right
- twilight princess
- alphavax
January 2007
- ubuntu weirdnesses
- upgraded to ubuntu
- fun moving around directories
- miranda, age seven
- what to do in amsterdam?
- missing from dictionary
- following distances in traffic
- numbers, numbers
- iphone
- bully
- curious about queueing theory
- wii update
- ruby notes 5: sql libraries
December 2006
- ruby notes 4a: overloading constructors
- ruby notes 4: overloading
- ruby notes 3
- reflection
- tv news
- first ruby experiments
- podcast queue management
- fellow diners
- ipod, incremental (un)improvements
- the child garden
- a week of wii
- exploratory testing
November 2006
- bonny doon
- wii!
- happy thanksgiving
- wordpress 2.0.5
- categories?
- random links: november 21, 2006
- waa
- legacy gardens, revisited
- trauma center
- reading pro games
- les petits
- response time
- go, netflix
- chorus
October 2006
- okami
- pick my next distro
- remote state
- serre
- lean thinking, shared purpose
- scrum and bottlenecks
- alcs
- the shame of the nation
- alds
- netflix
- throughput and latency
- new hard drive
- benefits of slack
- how to improve?
- august 2, 1961
September 2006
- feeling quiet
- backup woes
- no more yosha
- mii
- civ 4
- backing up cd collection
- a/v formats
- bad itunes
- go small companies
- random links: september 10, 2006
- new super mario bros.
- nintendo 1, sony -1
- it’s not luck
- two weeks with new team
August 2006
- toc vs. jit
- i do not like first-person shooters
- random links: august 26, 2006
- indigo animal
- andy bechtolsheim on thumper
- expanding team
- new aim digs
- what to do next?
- dbcdb: improved compound author links
- lean employer-employee relations
- grr
- business novels
- random dbcdb tweaks
- bezos investing in 37 signals
- this is why i want to learn ruby
- guitar hero
- leadership
- zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance
July 2006
- dbcdb: link changes
- wordpress 2.0.4
- there’s baloney in our slacks
- bowling
- planning retrospectives
- agile 2006: last day
- downtown minneapolis, revisited
- agile 2006: day 4
- agile 2006: day 3
- zombies are people, too!
- agile 2006: day 2
- agile 2006: day 1
- whisper of the heart
- downtown minneapolis
- agile 2006
- traffic, flow, quality, signals
- working effectively with legacy gardens
- carpaccio
- exciting launch
- apple ][ games
- an active prefrontal cortex is a happy prefrontal cortex
- back from vacation
- initial release of unit test framework
- holt on responsibility
- random links: july 6, 2006
- the progressive
- who designs?
- kaze ni naru
- oberlin
June 2006
- beck on alexander
- recasting the architect, iterative design, and onsite customers
- kabuki
- unit test framework
- precocious
- reading/writing xml in c++
- amazon prime
- go norway!
- doctor fun, r.i.p.
- authority
- summer 2005 pictures
- dbcdb: links!
- lean sales
- dog diagnosis
- aids
- how buildings learn
- wordpress 2.0.3
May 2006
- god of war
- thumper
- no luck with music recommendations
- sbn
- i miss go
- random links: may 29, 2006
- aging dog
- books with more than two authors
- i’m hiring!
- wrote cli tool to edit sql
- lean software development
- star wars: knights of the old republic
- the rise of the creative class
- (x)emacs is not supposed to crash on me
- e3 2006
- random links: may 8, 2006
- house of rpgs
April 2006
- lean book-buying
- lean manufacturing
- how do i find my router’s external ip address?
- jane jacobs, r.i.p.
- customers and tests
- proper level for tests
- live house
- mario & luigi: partners in time
- help me with my sql query!
- pasta siracusani
- random links: april 2, 2006
- wordpress 2.0.2
- patty cake
- immigration
- 2006 baseball season
- mac, nano
March 2006
- the mac is here
- intrusive collections
- art museums
- career paths
- (badly) generating html from sql
- duct tape
- panini is live
- random links: march 23, 2006
- bad joker
- i read way too many blogs
- guess the glyph
- how laws get made
- fc5
- go france!
- new ip address
- yum update
- from 1970
- computer status
- trinity score
- playground scene
- benjamin vikram staveley vakil
- router and static ip addresses
- more on octavia butler
- red bean is changing computers
- octavia butler
- apple is bad
- sixteen cores
- gpl happiness
- new theme
- test post
- random links
- protected and package
- killer 7
- my first time using bittorrent
- populated database
- bok bun ja
- shopping for computer
- showing all but first line from a file
- break out your chocolate bars
- oldest saved post
- plum blossoms
- living with the animal kingdom
- i want a customer
- turn me into a mac expert!
February 2006
- more home network thoughts
- go jdbc!
- breaking the rules and xp
- load game, not new game
- do not buy a philips hdrw 720
- help me design my home network!
- nails
- pasta alla anna
- my first sql statements
- popup zen
- first, break all the rules
- things i didn’t learn
- animal crossing
- over/under
- mea culpa
- introducing
- nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita
- multi-touch
- i love egg
- plain and simple
- fit
- ready to start using sql
- choice of url
- 2003 miranda pictures
- perplex city
- meteos
- beatles christmas records
- responsive blender
- ta-da
- chocolate mousse
- cost-saving measures: oops
- ipod number two
- more mercury news political coverage
- red turn signals
- j-pop, k-pop wanted
- sri lankan chicken curry
- pictures
- yoiks
- books without authors
- ds game sales
- unfinished fugue
January 2006
- humans as specialized processors
- john lennon interview
- charming hostess
- finished tour through music
- indonesian chicken curry
- more on counterpunch
- iraqi death toll
- lean manufacturing reading
- an interesting exception idea
- lean manufacturing?
- cambodian chicken curry
- bad patents
- bush text adventure
- good journalism
- mindful programming
- interactive interaction with a language
- shifting cards between people
- functor moustache
- paper = air?
- magical mystery tour
- shadow of the colossus
- i want to build jet engines
- newspaper political coverage
- kung pao chicken
- go keith knight
- mealbox
- sql schema
- fair use report
- two recent books on writing
- hiring-related take on alito hearings
- task ownership
- address book
- manufacturing glitch
- finished all our cards
- quivering poodle
- new mac
- pao bhaji
- wordpress 2
- skills, learning, mistakes
- targeting journalists
- fuck fuck fuck
- poem a day
- the chicken that miranda likes
- supreme opinions
- ds impressions
December 2005
- broadway melody of 1940
- curlblog
- mild curry paste
- writing before reading
- boot problems
- ils peuvent etre des geants
- games magazine
- self pingbacks
- upgraded wordpress version
- interesting use of rss
- sql
- the new methodology
- meyers-briggs personality types
- more brainbashers
- weird
- calming signals
- planning improvements
- pirates
- bought a ds
- name lookup problems
- thomas merton
- video games
- that was fast
- dependency checking
- marquise au chocolat
- podcast recommendations wanted
November 2005
- thanksgiving dinner
- google reader
- book index
- esteban loiza
- more html explorations
- health
- we love katamari
- conservative bloggers
- rorty and latour, part two
- what i’m reading: the css spec
- rorty and latour
- internet explorer css problems
- sidebar
- 2004 miranda pictures
- i miss destructors
- recently read books
- ant aargh
- homework
- ant and junit
- benefits of white shirts
- rhyming
- ant
- test blog spam
- sudoku revisited
- jade empire
- release planning
- questionable content
October 2005
- resident evil 4
- css tweaks
- dell bad; apple, ultra 20 good
- dell annoyances; upgrade possibilities
- style
- generating valid xhtml
- semco
- bill king, r.i.p.
- battalion wars
- xbox
- shenmue ii
- pneumonia
- violent explusion of air
- this spartan life
- plague and pestilence
September 2005
- a’s postmortem
- fire emblem
- author improvements; dynamic typing
- linux cameras
- french history, arcades project
- volumes with their own titles
- caleb!
- french volumes
- weird controllers
- one year
- tao te ching
- recycled knowledge
- ruby on rails demo
- author pages, more fields
- kepler’s r.i.p.
- king felix
- dbcdb: generated using Java
- podcasts
August 2005
- first story
- dbcdb
- stopped-up sink
- pinkwaters
- paris arcades
- gran turismo 4
- crayon shinchan
- sudoku
- copyright office
- donkey kong jungle beat
- code reviews, tasks
- pair programming update
- dan johnson, shanghai crab
July 2005
- livres
- programming by intention
- upgrade finished
- upgrading to fc4
- (more baseball)
- howl’s moving castle, families
- literate programming
- strategy of the weak, revisited
- strategy of the weak
- foreign money
- international herald tribune
- rich harden!
- raclette
- vacation
June 2005
- dance recital
- baseball, computer, nausicaa miscellany
- aged indians
- nausicaa
- end of school year
- dance dance revolution
- supreme pot
- offense!
- spore
- kushiel trilogy
- computer problems continue
May 2005
- computer scariness
- finished gta: san andreas
- jane jacobs
- the cat returns
- e3 2005
- pasta rouille avec thon
- xboxen
- a pattern language
- kalpa imperial
- next steps towards xp
- geek pleasures
- offense?
- aging software
- errors of TeX
- managing categories
- agile planning
April 2005
- psp
- the legend of zelda: the minish cap
- blog upgrade woes
- alfie kohn on john holt
- quality software management
- alfie kohn
- phallos
- dessert presentation
- jak 3
- archetypes in video games
- computer unfortunateness
- fedora core 3 is in tha house
- miscellany: fedora, work weeks, ddr, pujols
- os upgrade and incremental development
March 2005
- miranda cooking
- stan freberg
- school closure: one more year
- blogosphere
- school closure: second castro meeting
- down with the State
- school closure: castro community forum
- processor speed
- go bibliography
- more iPod comments
February 2005
- tokyo godfathers; movies
- refactoring twists and turns
- a few last Java comments
- old-time religion
- bruno latour
- school closure: not done yet
- mary poppins
- metroid prime 2: echoes
- school closure, continued
- generics in Java
- grand theft auto: san andreas
January 2005
- school closure
- const, and iterators
- not the best week
- almost everything is an Object
- frances hodgson burnett
- java: what is an object? what is a variable?
- free math books
December 2004
- disgusting food
- the programming bug strikes
- organizing information
- electronics miscellany
- hudson; ipod
- i pod people
- paper mario 2
- random access, top hat
- adventure games and rpgs
- truffles
November 2004
- morality
- dvd/hdd player
- the singing detective
- kent beck
- cities and overworlds
- virtual functions and access control
- followups
- prisons
- gay divorced tables
- election night
October 2004
- refactoring milky video games
- katamari damashii
- infinite justice
- blog spam
- playoffs, round two
- mplayer
- pikmin 2
- mpeg: interlacing
- mpeg: frame rates
- no playoffs